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First-century Christians believed Jesus would return during their lifetime. When the converts of Paul in Thessalonica were persecuted by the Roman Empire, they believed the end time to be imminent.

Christians who believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible insist the prediction of dates or times is futile, however recognize that Jesus foretold signs of the end of days.

While acknowledging that we will not know the day or the hour, we still can have assurance of when the end time is near, based on the knowledge and understanding of what the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy have told us. 

In general terms, from the Message to the Church of Laodicea, the reformed remnant church will evolve. The Reformed Church which will proclaim the present truth of that time – The Thee Angels Message of Revelation 14:6 -  and resultantly become the recipient of persecution from the catholic/protestant alliance. This time will be known as the time of trouble. Ultimately, when the spiritual battle of Armageddon comes, the remnant will be rescued by Jesus Himself, and the Remnant church will prevail.

The teaching goal of Module 3 is for participants to have a working knowledge of how the Remnant’s proclamation of the third Angel’s Message with a “loud voice” (Revelation 14:9 and Revelation 18:1) will mark the beginning of the end time. The concluding events of earth’s history will be in direct response to that message, either of acceptance or of rejection.

Week 5: The Revealing

  • Introduction to the Book of Revelation
  • Revelation in the Old Testament
  • Letters to the Seven Churches
  • Overlay the Seven Letters to the History of the Church

Week 6: The Countdown

  • Events leading to the Return of Jesus
  • The Laodicean Message signals the Beginning of the End

Week 7: The Seventh Church

  • The Destiny of the Church hangs on the Message of Laodicea
  • Why Peter Failed

Week 8: The Truth Will Set You Free 

  • The First Decade
  • Revised Interpretation

Week 9:  Well, if you say so!

  • The Response of the Church
  • The Tragedy of Failure

Week 10: Divine intervention but . . .

  • The Angels Step In
  • The Diagnosis

Week 11: Speaks louder, please

  • The Straight Testimony

Week 12: The Heavenly Rx

  • Gold Tried in the Fire    
  • The Heavenly Vision
  • Clothed in Righteousness

Week 13: Another generation?

  • A Thorough Work was not done
  • If I were the Devil . . .
  • “To him that overcomes . . .”

21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of Prayer

The storms of this life often threatens to overflow and overwhelm us; but in God's Word we find reasons to keep swimming; keep striving; keep pressing and holding on. In this series we explore 21 reasons why we can have hope, even in a world, or personal experience, that feels hopeless. 

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