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God Has A Plan For Your Health

Key Verse(s)

3 John 1:2

Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers (3 John 1:2).

It's Day 19 of our 21 Days of Prayer, Health & Spiritual Renewal. We trust you are experiencing a new wholeness of mind, body, and spirit as you deny the desires of the flesh and focus on God, our Sustainer.

Our presenter for Day #19, Health Night, is Larry Waters. Please join us and be blessed.


Action Point (s)

If God has especially blessed you throughout this time. Please let us know. Share your experience in the comments below.


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21 Days of Prayer

21 Days of Prayer

The storms of this life often threatens to overflow and overwhelm us; but in God's Word we find reasons to keep swimming; keep striving; keep pressing and holding on. In this series we explore 21 reasons why we can have hope, even in a world, or personal experience, that feels hopeless. 

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