Does God Exist?
Bible Discovery Study (LP78)
Bible Discovery Study (LP78)
Does God Exist?
15/15 activities done
11/11 activities done
What evidence is offered for the existence of God and as pro
In Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon pondered the fut
What did Nebuchadnezzar see in his dream? Daniel 2:31
What were the various parts of the image made of and what di
Which kingdom is represented by each material?
There will never be another world power until God sets up Hi
In the days of the divided kingdom the God of heaven will se
How do you explain Daniel’s ability to tell the future thous
Are you thankful that God has given ample evidence of His ex
Do you desire to be a part of God’s eternal kingdom?
10/10 activities done
Who inspired the message of the Bible? 2 Peter 1:21
Why did God give us the Scriptures? 2 Timothy 3:16
What does Peter emphasize that we should know when approachi
How does a person of noble character respond when they encou
Is reading the Old Testament important for understanding God
What does Jesus say about the permanence of the Old Testamen
What effects will studying the Bible have on our lives? (Psa
How can I obtain wisdom and understanding when reading the B
Do you believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired word
Are you willing to continue to learn more as we study the Bi
11/11 activities done
According to the Bible, Jesus was conceived through the Holy
What important facts do these verses reveal about the identi
What does Colossians 1:16 tell us about the role of Jesus in
Who did Jesus come to the earth to reveal? John 14:9
Which two supernatural beings were present with Jesus at His
Why did God the Father give His Only Begotten Son? (John 3:1
How has God shown His love for you? Romans 5:6-10 Select all
How did God make salvation available to fallen humanity (Rom
What is the only way to the Father and to gain eternal life?
Who did the Father send to represent Jesus when Jesus left e
Where is Jesus, and what is He doing now? (Hebrews 9: 24)
12/12 activities done
The anointed cherub of Ezekiel 28:14-15 was created perfect
What did the anointed Cherub (Lucifer) attempt to do (Isaiah
What event does Revelation 12:7 describe taking place in hea
What happened to Satan and the evil angels as a result of th
How did the disease of sin enter the human family? (Romans 5
What is sin? (1 John 3:4)
What plain command of God did Adam break? (Genesis 2:17)
How does James 1:14-15 describe the progression of sin?
What contrast does Romans 6:23 draw between sin and God's gi
When will sin, death, and suffering be no more (Revelation 2
What does God declare about affliction (distress, troubles,
Are you looking forward to being part of God’s righteous kin
The Righteousness of God
12/12 activities done
What does the bible say the gospel is? Romans 1:16, 17
Who or what is the righteousness of God? Jeremiah 23:6; 1 Co
What does the Bible say the law is? Psalms 119:172
How can the righteousness of the law be fulfilled in us? Rom
Who does the law point us to? Galatians 3:24
Can the law justify us (ie. make us right before God)? Roman
How are we justified (ie. made right) before God? Acts 13:39
What example of abiding in God’s love did Jesus, our example
How do we demonstrate that we truly love Jesus? John 14:15
Who did Jesus depend on to keep the law? John 14:10
What is the only way we can keep God’s law? John 14:15-16
Are you willing to surrender to Christ, and invite Him to li
16/16 activities done
What covenant promise did God make with our first parents (a
On what basis did God establish His covenant with Noah by wh
What did accepting God’s covenant of grace lead Noah to do?
What was Abraham’s response to God’s covenant promise that l
What covenant did God make with His people at Sinai? Exodus
How did the people respond to God’s covenant of promise? Exo
What happened to the Old Covenant that made a New Covenant n
How did God respond to the people breaking the Old Covenant?
What is a significant difference under the New Covenant? Heb
Under the Old Covenant it was possible for animal sacrifices
What has Christ's death on the cross made unnecessary under
What was the key to living in a covenant relationship with G
Do you understand that the law is not abolished under the Ne
Do you desire to enter into this New Covenant relationship w
17/17 activities done
What does Jesus offer to those who come to Him? Matthew 11:2
Why couldn’t God’s people enter into His rest? Hebrews 3:18,
What does God invite His people who live by faith to do? Heb
What has God given us to commemorate this rest? Genesis 2:1-
What three things did God do to the seventh day that He neve
What does God call the seventh day of the week? (Exodus 20:
What does the fourth commandment reminds us to do on the Sab
Jesus attended services each Sabbath (Luke 4:16)
Jesus changed the Sabbath from Saturday, the seventh day, to
Christ knew His followers would be keeping the Sabbath even
The disciples observed the Sabbath (Acts 17:1-3; 13:14-15; 1
While in Corinth how of reasoned in the synagogue __________
How many sabbaths did Paul observe while in Corinth? (Acts 1
The Bible says that Sunday is the Lord's day (Revelation 1:7
When God makes the new heavens and the new earth, every pers
Those who continue in rebellion against God's commandments w
Would you like to receive Jesus and enter by faith into His
Born Again in Christ
0/14 activities done
What did Jesus say one must experience to see the kingdom of
What additional information did Jesus give...
What must I do to become a child of God?
According to what has God caused us to be born...
What do born-again believers experience?
God uses His Word, the Bible, to help us experience new life
What is this born-again experience a response to?
Why can't a person who is not born-again receiv...
Is salvation something I must work for...
What symbolism does God use to show that this...
What will a person do who believes the gospel?
What will a person do who appreciates the gospel?
How are men and women led to repentance?
Do you want to be born again right now and demo...
0/16 activities done
What is the thief (Satan’s) intention for individuals and th
How did Satan destroy the abundant life God created for Adam
What is Jesus’ desire for you and your family? John 10:10
What are two specific areas in which God desires for us to e
What is God’s original diet for an abundant life? Genesis 1:
When flesh was permitted after the flood, what three criteri
What four animals are specifically named by God, which He sa
What two criteria did God specify for fish that may be eaten
What promise does “the LORD who heals you” give to those who
What will happen to all those who ignore God’s instruction a
Is social drinking OK as long as you don’t drink too much? P
How does Proverbs 20:1 describe anyone who is led astray by
What strong admonition does Peter give to those who want to
What should motivate everything believers do, including thos
Action Point
Christian Lifestyle
0/14 activities done
Christian Lifestyle - Cover
What should motivate a believer’s actions and decisions? 2 C
What are believers called to be in the midst of a corrupt an
What does it suggest when one who claims to be a Christian l
What does the psalmist purposely avoid in order to maintain
How should a Christian dress? (1 Timothy 2:9, 10)
True beauty is revealed through a Christlike character, not
What did Jacob’s family do as they prepared to draw close to
How was the pure woman of Revelation 12:1 dressed contrasted
How important is it to maintain purity during and before mar
What does Jesus say people will give an account for on the d
What are we told to do in respect to attitudes that do not h
Summary Question
0/12 activities done
What two elements combine to form a living soul? Genesis 2:7
What happens to a person at death? (Psalms 146:4)
What is the state or condition of the dead? Ecclesiastes 9:5
What interaction do those who have died have with the living
Do people go to Heaven and praise God the moment they die? P
To what does Jesus liken death? John 11:11-14
Who has the power to raise a person from the sleep of death?
When will Jesus raise those who sleep in Him? 1 Thessalonian
When will believers receive immortality? 1 Corinthians 15:51
On seeing the appearance of one who has died, we should assu
0/16 activities done
What momentous event do believers live in anticipation of? T
How many people will see Jesus when He returns? (Revelation
As Job’s flesh decayed and death loomed, what brought overwh
The Bible describes two kinds of resurrections - Resurrectio
When will the resurrection of believers take place? 1 Thessa
At Jesus' glorious second coming what will happen to the new
What will those who are raised in the first resurrection be
What will happen to the wicked at the second coming of Chris
What condition will this earth be in after the second coming
What will happen to Satan at Christ's second coming? Revelat
What will happen to those who were not in the first resurrec
What will the wicked do after they are resurrected at the en
What will happen when the wicked attempt to overthrow the ho
After the earth is purified by fire, what will God make from
Are you looking forward to spending the Millennium with Jesu
Eternity with the King
0/17 activities done
What did Jesus say He would do when He went back to Heaven?
What do those who live by faith set their desires on? Hebrew
What did John see coming down from God out of heaven? Revela
The New Jerusalem is a literal, physical city, 144 cubits, o
What are some materials used in the construction of the city
What type of bodies will we have in Heaven? (Philippians 3:2
What gift lost after the fall will be restored in the New Je
What will never again be a part of human experience in the n
After the Millennium is ended (See Rapture and Millennium),
What will life be like in the earth made new? Isaiah 65:21
Will we ever become bored during the endless ages of eternit
What is Jesus looking forward to when He returns? (John 14:3
What is God’s ultimate purpose in preparing a place for His
How can you be assured a place in this beautiful City that G
Eternity with the King - Summary
Would you like to accept Jesus’ invitation to live with Him